17:31:07.615 [vue-i18n] Cannot translate the value of keypath '系统错误'. Use the value of keypath as default.
17:31:07.636 [vue-i18n] Cannot translate the value of keypath '系统错误'. Use the value of keypath as default.
17:31:07.764 [vue-i18n] Cannot translate the value of keypath '下拉加载更多'. Use the value of keypath as default.
17:31:07.790 [Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'color' of undefined"
found in
at pages/index/index.vue:1
17:31:07.796 TypeError: Cannot read property 'color' of undefined
17:31:07.803 [Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'color' of undefined"
found in
at pages/index/index.vue:1
17:31:07.810 TypeError: Cannot read property 'color' of undefined
17:31:07.815 cid unmatched [object Object] at view.umd.min.js:1
17:31:07.820 TypeError: Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method. at view.umd.min.js:1
17:31:07.825 cid unmatched [object Object] at view.umd.min.js:1
17:31:07.830 TypeError: Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method. at view.umd.min.js:1
17:31:07.996 [vue-i18n] Cannot translate the value of keypath '首页'. Use the value of keypath as default.
17:31:08.023 [vue-i18n] Cannot translate the value of keypath '我的'. Use the value of keypath as default.
17:31:08.031 手机系统信息, android at components/update/app-update.vue:106
17:31:08.032 当前版本, 1.0.0 at components/update/app-update.vue:114
17:31:08.071 [vue-i18n] Cannot translate the value of keypath '首页'. Use the value of keypath as default.
17:31:08.078 [vue-i18n] Cannot translate the value of keypath '分类'. Use the value of keypath as default.
17:31:08.268 [vue-i18n] Cannot translate the value of keypath '抽奖活动'. Use the value of keypath as default.
17:31:08.275 Not found -1,0,2 at view.umd.min.js:1