18:40:12.859 项目 'mer_uniapp' 开始编译...
18:40:15.677 3.99
18:40:15.678 请注意运行模式下,因日志输出、sourcemap以及未压缩源码等原因,性能和包体积,均不及发行模式。
18:40:15.684 正在编译中...
18:40:23.456 nvue中不支持如下css。如全局或公共样式受影响,建议将告警样式写在ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE的条件编译中,详情如下:
18:40:23.462 WARNING: `--un` is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at App.vue:265
18:40:23.484 WARNING: `--un` is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at App.vue:269
18:40:32.630 ERROR: property value `inline-block` is not supported for `display` (supported values are: `flex`) at pages/discover/discover_video/appVideo/comment.nvue:52
18:40:32.633 ERROR: Selector `.empty-box uni-image` is not supported. Weex only support classname selector at pages/discover/discover_video/appVideo/comment.nvue:72
18:40:32.651 ERROR: Selector `.empty-box uni-text` is not supported. Weex only support classname selector at pages/discover/discover_video/appVideo/comment.nvue:76
18:40:32.653 ERROR: property value `constant(safe-area-inset-bottom)` is not supported for `bottom` (only number and pixel values are supported) at pages/discover/discover_video/appVideo/comment.nvue:247
18:40:32.665 ERROR: property value `env(safe-area-inset-bottom)` is not supported for `bottom` (only number and pixel values are supported) at pages/discover/discover_video/appVideo/comment.nvue:248
18:40:32.674 WARNING: `white-space` is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at pages/discover/discover_video/appVideo/index.nvue:51
18:40:32.675 ERROR: property value `inline-block` is not supported for `display` (supported values are: `flex`) at pages/discover/discover_video/appVideo/index.nvue:370
18:40:52.826 ERROR: property value `theme` is not valid for `color` at components/mentioned.vue:42
18:40:52.828 ERROR: property value `theme` is not valid for `border-color` at components/mentioned.vue:43
18:40:52.838 ERROR: property value `inline-block` is not supported for `display` (supported values are: `flex`) at components/mentioned.vue:47
18:40:52.844 ERROR: Selector `[data-theme="theme1"] .isPay` is not supported. Weex only support classname selector at components/mentioned.vue:49
18:40:52.850 ERROR: Selector `[data-theme="theme2"] .isPay` is not supported. Weex only support classname selector at components/mentioned.vue:52
18:40:52.858 ERROR: Selector `[data-theme="theme3"] .isPay` is not supported. Weex only support classname selector at components/mentioned.vue:55
18:40:52.859 ERROR: Selector `[data-theme="theme4"] .isPay` is not supported. Weex only support classname selector at components/mentioned.vue:58
18:40:52.866 ERROR: Selector `[data-theme="theme5"] .isPay` is not supported. Weex only support classname selector at components/mentioned.vue:61
18:40:52.867 ERROR: Selector `[data-theme="theme1"] .isPay` is not supported. Weex only support classname selector at components/mentioned.vue:64
18:40:52.872 ERROR: Selector `[data-theme="theme2"] .isPay` is not supported. Weex only support classname selector at components/mentioned.vue:67
18:40:52.872 ERROR: Selector `[data-theme="theme3"] .isPay` is not supported. Weex only support classname selector at components/mentioned.vue:70
18:40:52.881 ERROR: Selector `[data-theme="theme4"] .isPay` is not supported. Weex only support classname selector at components/mentioned.vue:73
18:40:52.885 ERROR: Selector `[data-theme="theme5"] .isPay` is not supported. Weex only support classname selector at components/mentioned.vue:76
18:40:52.892 ERROR: property value `constant(safe-area-inset-bottom)` is not supported for `padding-bottom` (only number and pixel values are supported) at components/mentioned.vue:83
18:40:52.901 ERROR: property value `env(safe-area-inset-bottom)` is not supported for `padding-bottom` (only number and pixel values are supported) at components/mentioned.vue:84
18:40:52.904 WARNING: `overflow-y` is not a standard property name (may not be supported) at components/mentioned.vue:104
18:41:05.050 项目 'mer_uniapp' 编译成功。
18:41:05.051 WARNING: Module Warning (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js):
18:41:05.069 Warning
18:41:05.070 (368:3) start value has mixed support, consider using flex-start instead
18:41:05.146 正在建立手机连接...
18:41:05.555 手机端调试基座版本号为3.99, 版本号相同,跳过基座更新
18:41:09.055 正在同步手机端程序文件...
18:41:10.162 同步手机端程序文件完成
18:41:11.423 正在启动HBuilder调试基座...
18:41:12.892 应用【crmeb】已启动。注意编译阶段有报错,可能部分模块无法使用。
18:40:07.394 项目 'mer_uniapp' 开始编译...
18:40:13.095 请注意运行模式下,因日志输出、sourcemap以及未压缩源码等原因,性能和包体积,均不及发行模式。
18:40:13.728 正在编译中...
18:40:16.366 INFO Starting development server...
18:40:54.537 WARNING: Module Warning (from ./node_modules/@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni/packages/vue-loader/lib/loaders/templateLoader.js):
18:40:54.538 (Emitted value instead of an instance of Error)
18:40:54.559 Module Warning (from ./node_modules/@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni/packages/vue-loader/lib/loaders/templateLoader.js):
18:40:54.560 (Emitted value instead of an instance of Error)
18:40:54.572 Module Warning (from ./node_modules/@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni/packages/vue-loader/lib/loaders/templateLoader.js):
18:40:54.575 (Emitted value instead of an instance of Error)
18:40:54.586 Module Warning (from ./node_modules/@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni/packages/vue-loader/lib/loaders/templateLoader.js):
18:40:54.587 (Emitted value instead of an instance of Error)
18:40:54.600 Module Warning (from ./node_modules/@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni/packages/vue-loader/lib/loaders/templateLoader.js):
18:40:54.601 (Emitted value instead of an instance of Error)
18:40:54.612 Module Warning (from ./node_modules/@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni/packages/vue-loader/lib/loaders/templateLoader.js):
18:40:54.617 (Emitted value instead of an instance of Error)
18:40:54.628 Module Warning (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js):
18:40:54.631 Warning
18:40:54.639 (368:3) start value has mixed support, consider using flex-start instead
18:40:54.640 Module Warning (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js):
18:40:54.650 Warning
18:40:54.650 (532:3) end value has mixed support, consider using flex-end instead
{{item.user_info.nickname ? item.user_info.nickname : item.user_name}}
作者 管理员 企业
回复 {{itemc.comment_user_info.nickname}}